I already talk about it, but I don't understand why people don't see it.

Or maybe people prefere to ignore it.

It creates schemers, have you look the Netflix Series "The Fall of The house Of Usher?" my statements are factuals, Money brings the worst of us and I wish I would be strong enough to remove this thing from the equation.

My biggest desire is to see a world filled with Love and altruism and not some childish behavior that will encourage selfishness.

I will do my best to never be this kind of person, I really want to be the total opposite of what a Satanist is thinking.

Being selfish is about believing that we deserve more than others.

The Full Ego talk show.

This world got me for a few times and still got me on my bad side but I know one day I will be able to be victorious, of all my vices, all my dark sides.

I need to overcome those because they really represent everything I do not want to be.

All my knowledge accumulated those last years have been coming full circle. Which mean I'm right when I say that selfishness=evil=inferior souls=less evolved people/souls.

How can One see unconditionnal Love as something ugly, and here I quote "He hated the burgeoning peace and love movement" from an article that speak about Anton Szandor LaVey. Why ? This is something I cannot understand. Why does someone would hate such thing ? I really can't comprehend this.

Is this biological ? Is this because of the experiences One lived or is still living ?

How can you refuse to be love and love unconditionnally ?

This faith in individualism is leaving me completely confused.

I will do my best to kill my Ego, to a point that I wouldn't hesitate to give my own life for a perfect stranger, I want to manifest this and to become such a person.

When I say that now becoming rich wouldn't change me, I really want to mean it and I really don't want to fuck this up.

I would really love to be able to do more for others than myself if one day i have the chance to be very wealthy. I doubt I will be, because my Heart wouldn't accept to do something that doesn't sounds ethical.

My heart is pure, even if my darkside has a really proeminent % in my soul.

Sometimes I just lose myself in dark for no reason, because of the stress of lacking of money, because of the others and it's hard.

But deeply it's not me, deeply i'm really someone that desire the best outcome for everyone and not just me.

It's like it has been said in this video of the chosen ones. "It's in my DNA".

I believe so, I feel it so.

But my anger and my rage, why does it feel sometimes so right ? It's paradoxal.

I want to work this out before anything, I cannot be the messenger of good if I do not definitely get rid of those traits.

I'm grateful for who I am and for what I've been discovering my whole life.

I'm grateful I accepted this mission even if sometimes I cry and suffer a LOT.

I hope I will never lose myself in hate, even if that makes me victorious.

But in the end if I could see my future or all potential future and see that my darkside would bring peace in the world, well then I wouldn't mind to change the rules and lose my soul to save the whole planet.

But I will be patient, I will trust the Universe/God/Source that everything will happen as it has to happen.

So my job today is to chill out about all the Evil happening overall and try to save as many souls as I can.

I want people to understand the logic of my speech, it is just there.

The whole game is a consciousness test and I really really hope I will be able to make people understand this.

There is no need for a religion or anything related to such thing. What is needed before all is a consciousness realisation of the laws of the universe and it is as simple as the following :

Selfishness=Evil=Devolution=Inferior minds and souls=The Easy Path.
Altruism=Good=Evolution=Superior minds and souls=The Right Path.

I don't know if people see me, I think my audience doesn't have enough volume.

I should maybe use my website more often.

When people tell me to use my ennemies's platforms I feel reluctant, It doesn't sounds right but somehow I know that If I want to reach a better audience, It would be somehow necessary. It's just that I despise them so much with their rules and biased algo that I don't want.

I know I will find an other way.

So to answer to my wonders and questions : "No I can't use Evil thought, tools or behavior to win on Evil" It sounds unlogical, my victory wouldn't taste good if I would use the tools of Satan.

I'm glad I'm realizing that right now.